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2023-05-07 web app

  • Fixed flaky tests not being displayed correctly if a test suite spanned multiple devices and shards

  • Added an option to log in with GitHub OAuth to web UI.

  • Fixed PR comments not showing up for GitHub Actions builds triggered with the pull_request option.

ew-cli 0.9.9

  • Added the --async flag to ew-cli which will make it return immediately after starting the test run. The test results will be posted back to GitHub when GitHub integration is used. This is useful for CI systems where you want to save build minutes by running in parallel with other tasks.

gradle-plugin 0.11.0

  • Added async option to Gradle plugin which will make it return immediately after starting the test run. The test results will be posted back to GitHub when GitHub integration is used. This is useful for CI systems where you want to save build minutes by running in parallel with other tasks.
  • Bumped default ew-cli to 0.9.9

GitHub action emulator-wtf/run-tests@v0.9.1

  • Added async flag to the run-tests action, behaviour is similar to the ew-cli and gradle-plugin options above.
  • Bumped default ew-cli to 0.9.9