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Commit Statuses

Show test outcome next to GitHub commits and pull requests

By enabling this option will report test outcomes to GitHub as commit statuses. Here’s a screenshot showing two invocations at the bottom of the commit statuses list:

GitHub commit statuses

By default, will guess the test name based on Gradle module path or the app apk name used for test. You can control the displayed name by configuring the display-name property of your chosen integration. The specific commit to attach results to is picked up automatically in common CI systems, but you can also control it manually with scm-commit and scm-url properties.

This functionality goes really well together with async: true mode of execution where your build machines can go on with other tasks while is running tests. This way you’ll save build minutes of typically pretty beefy CI machines focused on Gradle builds.

NOTE! When running on GitHub actions the commit statuses do not show up for pull_request triggers due to GitHub handling them differently with a temporary merge commit. Use the push trigger instead.

In trouble? Let us help!

If you have any questions or issues with the integration, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help!